Wind energy is continuously growing in importance for the energy production and the global energy transition and Industeel have crucial products for this segment:
· Offshore wind farms are more and more frequent in the world. Installing the turbines at sea requires a new fleet of high-end WTIV’s with jack-ups reaching up to 325m with the top of the crane. Industeel proudly supplies both the extra-heavy plates for the legs of these platforms, as well as parts for critical components of the cranes.
· Industeel provides also large diameter ingots for the ring rollers (connector rings and bearings) of the wind towers and very closely follow up the market to adapt different ingots diameter. We have just developed new round and smooth ingot 1255mm with flexible weight to optimize production stage of our customers. To produce very large rings, our ingots diameter 1500mm and 1800mm (with flexible weight) are also appreciated by our customer.
ArcelorMittal produces an extensive portfolio of steels which are used in the major components of a wind farm: foundations, tower, nacelle, generator, gearbox, yaw, pitch and mooring ropes.
To introduce all the offers for wind power, ArcelorMittal has developed a new brochure, encompassing the products and services of all its entities, including Industeel.
Click here to discover the new brochure from ArcelorMittal