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The Best Paper of ASME PVP2018 (Prague) for the “Material and Fabrication (M&F)” track.

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Published on : 24/07/2019

During ASME PVP2019 (Pressure Vessel and Piping division conference) held in San Antonio (Texas, USA) from July 15th to 19th, the paper entitled “Consideration on Tempering and PWHT Temperatures of C-Mn and Low Alloy Steels for the Fabrication of Pressure Vessels: Smart Tuning of Heat Treatment Parameters” was awarded as the Best Paper of ASME PVP2018 (Prague) for the “Material and Fabrication (M&F)” track. This 2018 paper was co-authored by Sylvain Pillot (ArcelorMittal Global R&D), Mikihiro Sakata (JGC), Valéry Ngomo and Lionel Coudreuse (ArcelorMittal Industeel).

This collaborative paper with the Japanese Engineering Company JGC, aimed at strengthening the technical position of both Industeel and JGC on heat treatments of pressure vessels grades. This paper was awarded by ASME among the 150 papers of the M&F track and was recognized as an outstanding technical paper. Sylvain Pillot, as the lead author, was recipient of a Certificate of Honour from Pierre Mertiny (Chair, 2018 PVP Conference) and Clay D. Rodery (Chair, PVPD Honors & Awards).

This reviewed paper serves as a technical basis during discussions with customers and to ask for derogations on heat treatment parameters (temperature and/or duration) to be performed on plates. A secondary objective was to explain the effects of the heat treatments sequence during pressure vessel fabrication on the actual properties of various steel grades. In fine, a recommendation on heat treatment parameters is proposed and submitted to the consideration of End-Users, Fabricators and Engineering Companies.

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