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Steels for Offshore and Mechanical Engineering

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  • Our expertise
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  • Our solutions
  • Steels for offshore and marine applications
  • Structural & construction steels
  • Steels for mechanical equipment

Our expertise

  • EAF route with careful selection of raw materials to produce high purity steel.
  • Fine tuned secondary metallurgy with vacuum and degassing processes (AOD, VOD) to achieve high cleanliness steels.
  • Heavy and wide quarto plates produced by continuous casting or bottom poured ingot with a comprehensive dimensional range.
  • Heavy and wide quarto plates produced by continuous casting or bottom poured ingot with a comprehensive dimensional range.
  • A global sales network guaranteeing single point of contact in your geographical area and being your representative with our mills.
  • A web-based customer service providing access to order confirmations, invoices, order status and mill test certificates.

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Our solutions

Steels for offshore and marine applications

  • Exceptionally large hull plates and demanding specifications are the core markets of the Industeel offer for naval applications, offshore structures, cargo tank and onboard equipments, meeting requirements of designers, owners and Class. Such demands can include for example Norsok or Arctic service.
  • Industeel ‘s flame-cut machining facilities then allow these heavy plates to be cut to shape irrespective of thickness based on your drawings.
  • Industeel designs special grades such as SuperElso® 690CR a 690 MPa (100 ksi) yield strength quenched and tempered steel adapted for legs of offshore jack-up platforms.This grade has been specially designed for offshore applications requiring the use of heavy thick plates (up to 255 mm/10″) with demanding mechanical properties requirements.The chemical composition of SuperElso® 690 CR has been carefully adapted and allows the achievement of high impact values (> 50 J at – 60°C) across the thickness while respecting the tensile properties required.

Structural & construction steels

  • Many industries require mechanical parts that will be put during their lifetime under high sollicitation. Depending on the aimed application, these parts will need high mechanical resistance, weldability, bendability, or even huge sizes or complex shapes..
  • Industeel can supply very large sizes in all kind of construction steel grades: up to 900mm depending on the grade, with a width up to 4 300mm and a unit weight up to 80 tons. Even bigger sizes can be studied on demand
  • Industeel ‘s flame-cut machining facilities then allow these heavy plates to be cut to shape irrespective of thickness based on your drawings.

Steels for mechanical equipment

  • Industeel produces prehardened steel grades with a narrow homogeneity even on thick plates. Forged-rolled plates and blocks can be supplied for critical thick product applications where specific properties are required throughout the thickness or for stringent ultrasonic testing applications.
  • These products can be used in substitution to forging or castings in engineering tools or in the manufacture of massive components.
  • Among the list of available grades you will find all kind of construction grades (S355, S960, etc.) or trademarks. Mecasteel and Superplast grades are a concept of patented pre-hardened grades with improved properties compared to standard AISI 4130 / 4140 / 4330 / 4330 modified. The high purity XC06 provided by Industeel is dedicated to magnet applications such as magnet resonance imaging (MRI) or particle accelerators (cyclotrons) requiring high specific magnetic properties with an excellent homogeneity throughout the magnet components.
  • These steel grades are available under following forms: Plates: up to 900mm depending on the grade, with a width up to 4 300mm and a unit weight up to 80 tons Cut-to-shape parts: Industeel ‘s flame-cut machining facilities then allow these heavy plates to be cut to shape irrespective of thickness based on your drawings Blocks

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