Our mechanical and corrosion test laboratories are accredited according to the ISO 17025 standard. This standard covers both the technical and organizational aspects, and allow us to give our customers confidence in our ability to carry out all the tests related to their orders in a consistent manner.
Our current accreditation was renewed in June 2021 for a period of 5 years, but it is subject to follow-up audits approximately every 15 months.
The last follow-up audit took place on October 3rd, 5th and 7th , and covered both the monitoring of already accredited tests, but also an extension of the field of accreditation. Indeed, we took advantage of this audit to ask that the chemical analysis laboratory of the steelworks also fall within the scope of ISO 17025.
A major preparatory work of more than a year has mobilized us since 2021 to carry out this mission, and the involvement of all the actors concerned has resulted in the success of this project. In fact, the auditors were very satisfied with the technical quality of our analysis and tests, as well as whit the good exchanges we were able to have with them.
Congratulations to all the participants for the quality of the work carried out and the involvement.
This success is the result of a constructive team spirit!